Wednesday, August 3

Another day

The chest xray shows still a little too much air around the lung to take the chest tube out. So they will put suction back on to help reduce that airspace around the lung.

Lars was up with Physical Therapy again today. He made his last stroll around the ICU, as he will be transferred out soon. It gets easier each time, but still it is very tiring.

Lars is looking forward to the new room, because it has a shower! It's not a pool, but we're getting closer.


  1. Lars and family...

    Very few moments go by now in my day, without my thoughts drifting to you and your family and the ordeal you are enduring. Our family prayers go out to each and every one of you and until you are home to hug in person, we send you our very best and a hug by email. All our love and prayers.
    Tamara, Chuck, Jake and Ali Williams

  2. the closer we get the more excited we get I wanna be there for his first swim after the accident!!! Keep going lars!!
