Monday, August 1

What goes up...

We are expecting many ups and downs over the recovery period. We had a minor set back this evening. Lars has recovered so rapidly and was doing so well. He has been breathing well on his own most of the day. As the afternoon and evening wore on, it became more and more work to breathe. His respiratory rate ( the number of breaths per minute) was pretty high. It is hard work, even for a swimmer, to keep that up for very long.

As a result, they started him on a BiPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure) machine. It is like a scuba mask that fits over his mouth with a pretty tight seal. It allows him to have a little constant pressure in his lungs, to help keep them open better. It is kind of the little brother to PEEP, which was used when he had the breathing tube in place. Some of you may know someone with sleep apnea that uses a CPAP machine at night. It is very similar.

He has responded very well so far to the BiPAP. His respiratory rate has slowed significantly. He doesn't have to work as hard to breathe. It should help him get a better restful sleep tonight.

He is doing well, but if he worsens further, they will likely put the breathing tube back in. I want to say a few words about that. I have had you focus on the breathing tube quite a bit the last couple of days. However, if they have to put it back in, it is not a failure or a problem. Now we know that Lars is alright. He has spoken to us. He has told us he doesn't hurt anywhere else. He is our Lars.

If the tube goes back in, this time we'll know all of that and we will consider it just as a form of treatment to help him. Our anxiety level will be very low.

We will continue to have ups and downs over the next many days. It is unreasonable to expect otherwise. Our love goes out to all of you who have shown your concern and love for our son. We would still appreciate your remembering him in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. I love you Lars, stay strong buddy.
    -Broc Reeder

  2. I love your positive attitude and firm faith, Thorderson family! So many youth and adults from our stake prayed and fasted for him. Every single person who I let know immediately was willing to fast and pray! And every single prayer I heard on Sunday mentioned Lars (and I even went to two different wards)! A bunch of people keep asking for updates, Lars, know you are well loved. Keep getting better, I know you'll be changed forever, but you'll get through this.

  3. Thank you for taking the time to keep all of us updated. I have had your family in my thoughts and prayers constantly the past couple of days. Miracles really do happen. As I read the past posts in order, I have just been so touched and so grateful for miracles. I'm so happy that Lars is defying the odds and making such rapid progress. We love you all and will continue to keep you in our prayers! I can't even begin to imagine what Lars is going through and what you, his parents and siblings must be experiencing. How grateful you must all be for your knowledge of the gospel and that Heavenly Father is real and that he's there. How wonderful it is to know that faith can move mountains and that prayers really are answered. We love you!

  4. Lars, Kurt, Tera, and the whole Thorderson clan,
    Sending lots of love, prayers and positive energy your way. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you all day. You guys are awesome and will rally together and make miracles happen. May God bless you and sustain you through this. Thanks Anika for keeping us all informed! We love you guys. Go Lars Go!
    -Mike & Kim Taylor & Fam.

  5. Man It was so great to see Lars even for the thirty seconds I was allowed. The first words out of his mouth Scott I love you. Man I never talked to Lars until youth conference The friendship was so easy I felt like I'd known him forever, I feel Like I was to know him so I could be his friend and come with him that night. I may have got him breathing but Lars did all the work!! Keep going Lars!! I'm gonna be with you every moment I can When you get in the general ward!!

    Your newest best friend,
    Scott Snow
